Todayโ€™s Outline

  • Recap: char
  • C string basics
  • Reading and printing C strings
  • Common string functions
  • Safety of string functions

Recap: char

cstring vs std::string

  • cstring - inherited from the C lang
    • #include <cstring>
  • string - class defined in std lib
    • #include <string>
    • Class and object

C String Basics

C String: '\\0'

  • A C string is a char array terminated by '\\0'
  • Used to distinguish a C String from an ordinary char array
  • '\\0' == null
char str[20] = "Hello World"; // '\\0' will be added at the last index

C String: Declaration and Initialization

// With initialization
char studentID[] = "51234567";
char HKID[] = "a123456(7)";
// Without initialization
char studentID[8+1];
char HKID[10+1];
// Cannot initialize after the declaration
char name[10];
name = "john"; // error

C String: Storage

char s1[] = "Hello World"; // s1 = 20
char s2[] = "cs2311";      // s2 = 32

Passing String to Functions

int count(char s[100], char c) {
    int frequency=0;
    int i=0;
    while (s[i] != '\\0') {
        if (s[i] == c) {
    return frequency;
int main() {
    char T[100] = โ€œhello worldโ€;
    char t = โ€˜aโ€™;
    cout << count(T, t) << endl;
    return 0;

Reading and Printing C strings

int main() {
    char word[5];
    // we can use 'cin' to initialize the string after declaration
    cin >> word;
    cout << word;
    return 0;

Printing C Strings

int main() {
    char s1[] = "abc";
    char s2[] = "def";
    s1[3] = '+';
    cout << s1 << endl << s2 << endl;
    return 0;
    // abc+def
    // def

Reading C Strings

char s1[20], s2[20];
// 'cin' will terminate when whitespace is encountered
// whitespace = space, teb, newline, ...
cin >> s1;  // input = "hello world" / s1 = "hello\\0"
cin >> s2;  // buffer = "world"      / s2 = "world\\0"
cout << s1; // will print "hello"
cout << s2; // will print "world"

Reading a Line: get() Loop

char s[20];
int i = 0;
char c;
do {
    cin.get(c); // input = "hello world" / c = 'h'
    str[i++] = c;
} while (c != '\\n' && i < 20);

Reading a Line: getline()

char s[20];
cin.getline(s, 20);
int main() {
    char s[5];
    int i = 0;
    while (true) {
        cin.getline(s, 5); // will accept 4 characters + eofbit flag set
        cin.clear();       // reset flag
        cout << i++ << ": " << s << endl;
    return 0;
    // 0: 1234
    // 1: 5

Common cstring Functions


char s[20] = "Hello World!";
int len = strlen(s);
int siz = sizeof(s);
cout << len << endl; // 12
cout << siz << endl; // 20
  • strlen(str) - returns the number of chars
    • '\\0' does NOT count


char s1[6];
strcpy(s1, "hello");
char s2[6];
strcpy(s2, s1);
s2[0] = 'c';
cout << s1 << endl; // hello
cout << s2 << endl; // cello
  • strcpy(dst, src) - copies src into dst


char s[13];
strcpy(s, "hello ");
strcat(s, "world!");
cout << s; // "hello world!
  • strcat(dst, src) - concatenates src into dst


cout << strcmp("abc",  "abc") << endl; // 0
cout << strcmp("abc", "abcd") << endl; // -1
cout << strcmp("abcd", "abc") << endl; // 1
cout << strcmp("abc",  "abd") << endl; // -1
  • strcmp(s1, s2) - compare s1 and s2 until encountering different characters
    • < 0 if s1 < s2 in alphabet
    • > 0 if s1 > s2 in alphabet
    • 0 if s1 == s2

Other String Functions

  • strncpy(dst, src, n)
  • strncat(dst, src, n)
  • strncmp(str1, str2, n)
  • strchr(str, ch) / strrchr(str, ch)
  • strstr(haystack, needle)
  • strspn(str, accept)
  • strcspn(str, reject)

Safety of String Functions

char s1[14];
strcpy(s1, "hello, world!");
char s2[6];
strcpy(s2, s1); // s2 = "hello," / other program memory = " world!\\0"

Additional Notes

  • strcpy and strcat are considered unsafe, as they donโ€™t check memory boundary
  • Use strcpy_s and strcat_s instead