Falco GitHub Plugin


  • EC2 instance where Falco and plugin will run
  • GitHub Token
    • Classic token with full repo scope

Install Falco

Install GitHub Plugin

cd /tmp
wget https://download.falco.org/plugins/stable/github-0.7.5-linux-x86_64.tar.gz tar
xvzf github-0.7.5-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
mv libgithub.so /usr/share/falco/plugins/
wget https://download.falco.org/plugins/stable/github-rules-0.7.5.tar.gz
tar xvzf github-rules-0.7.5.tar.gz

Store GitHub Token

sudo mkdir /root/.ghplugin
sudo vi /root/.ghplugin/github.token

Change Security Group ingress

Change Falco config

	load_plugins: [github]

  - name: github
    library_path: libgithub.so
	    websocketServerURL: "http://{PUBLIC_ADDRESS_OF_EC2}"
	    UseHTTPs: false
    open_params: '*'

Launch Falco

sudo falco -c /etc/falco/falco.yaml -r github.yaml

Test plugin and check logs

  • Try Public repo โ†’ Private repo
  • Try Private repo โ†’ Public repo
  • Try delete repo
