#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Actress {private: int age;public: char name[255]; Actress(char *name, int age):age(age) { strcpy(this->name, name); }};int main() { Actress actress("Alice", 25); cout << actress.name << endl; // allowed // cout << actress.age << endl; // NOT allowed // this is legal but ill-logical // the name of an actress object should NOT // be modified from outside strcpy(actress.name, "Eve"); // allowed return 0;}
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class A {private: int x;protected: int y;public: int z;};class B : public A {public: void print() { cout << z; y = 0; // cout << x; not allowed }};class C : protected A {public: void print() { cout << z; y = 0; // cout << x; not allowed }};class D : private A {public: void print() { cout << z; y = 0; // cout << x; not allowed }};int main() { B obj1; // obj1.x = 0; not allowed // obj1.y = 0; not allowed obj1.z = 0; obj1.print(); C obj2; // obj2.x = 0; not allowed // obj2.y = 0; not allowed // obj2.z = 0; not allowed obj2.print(); D obj3; // obj3.x = 0; not allowed // obj3.y = 0; not allowed // obj3.z = 0; not allowed obj3.print(); return 0;}
Constructors in Inheritance
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class A {public: A() { cout << "A's default constructor" << endl; } A(int a) { cout << "A's non-default constructor" << endl; }};class B : public A {public: B() { cout << "calling A(2311) in B()" << endl; A(2311); cout << "calling A() in B()" << endl; A(); cout << "B's constructor" << endl; }};int main() { B b; // Output: // "A's default constructor" // "calling A(2311) in B()" // "A's non-default constructor" // "calling A() in B()" // "A's default constructor" // "B's constructor"}
Passing Arguments to Constructors
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Student {protected: int sid;public: Student(int sid = 0) : sid(sid) {} int getSid() { return sid; }};class TA : public Student {protected: int courseid;public: // To pass argument from child to parent, use initializer list TA(int sid = 0, int courseid = 0) : Student(sid), courseid(courseid) {} int getCourseId() { return courseid; }};int main() { int sid = 12345, courseid = 2311; TA bob(sid, courseid); cout << bob.getSid() << ": " << bob.getCourseId() << endl; return 0;}
Destructor in Inheritance
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class A {public: ~A() { cout << "A's destructor\\n"; }};class B : public A {public: ~B() { cout << "B's destructor\\n"; }};int main() { B *b = new B(); delete b; return 0; // Output: // "B's destructor" // "A's destructor"}
Operator Overloading
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Circle {private: int radius;public: Circle(int radius) : radius(radius) {}; bool operator<(Circle &rhs) { if (radius < rhs.radius) { return true; } else { return false; } }};int main() { Circle a(3); Circle b(5); cout << (a < b); return 0;}
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Animal {public: void sayHi() { cout << "..." << endl; }};class Human : public Animal {public: void sayHi() { cout << "hi" << endl; }};class Dog : public Animal {public: void sayHi() { cout << "wow wow" << endl; }};int main() { Human *human = new Human(); Dog *dog = new Dog(); Animal *a; // static type of "a" is Animal a = human; // dynamic type of "a" is Human a->sayHi(); // will print "..." a = dog; // dynamic type of "a" is Dog a->sayHi(); // will print "..." delete human; delete dog; return 0;}
Dynamic Binding: Virtual Function
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Animal {public: virtual void sayHi() { cout << "..." << endl; }};class Human : public Animal {public: void sayHi() { cout << "hi" << endl; }};class Dog : public Animal {public: void sayHi() { cout << "wow wow" << endl; }};int main() { Human *human = new Human(); Dog *dog = new Dog(); Animal *a; // static type of "a" is Animal a = human; // dynamic type of "a" is Human a->sayHi(); // will print "hi" a = dog; // dynamic type of "a" is Dog a->sayHi(); // will print "wow wow" delete human; delete dog; return 0;}