The compiler translates high-level language programs to binary code
Compiled Languages
Compiled language programs are compiled to binary machine code, which is then directly executed by the HW
e.g. C/C++, Rust, Pascal, โฆ
Pros - fast
Cons - need to re-compile on a different HW
Interpreted Languages
Programs are first compiled to an Intermediate Representation, IR, which is then converted by a Virtual Machine, VM to machine code and executed by the HW
e.g. Java, Python, โฆ
Pros - better portability
Cons - slow
Basics of Computer Programming
Computer Program (External View)
Basic elements of a computer program
Computer Program (Internal View)
A list of instructions ordered logically
Usually, involve data access
Developing a C++ Program
Write source code into a file
e.g. hello.cpp
Source code is converted to object code in machine language
e.g. hello.obj
Combines objects and libraries to create a binary executable
e.g. hello.exe
ReturnType FunctionName(input parameters){ instructions within function body}
A sequence of instructions grouped together, which implement a specific task.
main() is a special function, which is the starting point of a C++ program.
cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
A syntactic unit that expresses some action to be carried out.
An output function provided by iostream library
Console Output allows our program to output values to the standard output stream
output operator, which output values to an output device
The right-hand side of the << is the string to output
end of the line. advance the cursor on the screen to the beginning of the next line