#include <fstream>int main() { ifstream fin; fin.open("text.txt"); // open file fin >> x; // read file fin.close(); // close file}
#include <fstream>int main() { ofstream fout; fout.open("text.txt"); // open file fout << x; // write file fout.close(); // close file}
Internal State Flags
fstream fin("test.txt"); // Assume text.txt contains a line "12345"if (fin.fail()) { cout << "fail to open test.txt\\n"; exit(1);}char buf[4];fin.getline(buf, 4);if (fin.fail()) { cout << "getline failed when reading from test.txt\\n"; exit(1);}
#include <fstream>int main() { ifstream fin; fin.open("input.txt"); // abc char c; while (!fin.eof()) { // it will read last char one more time fin >> c; // try 'while (fin >> next)' instead cout << c; // abcc }}
fstream fin("input.txt"); // assume input.txt contains 2 lines // line 1: 123456; line 2: 789char buf[4];int i = 0;do { fin.getline(buf, 4); fin.clear(); // used to reset internal state flags cout << i++ << ": " << buf << "\\n"; getchar(); // used to pause the program} while (!fin.eof());